
Connect Groups

Being a child of God in this day and age can be difficult for anyone, especially during key stages of adolescence and adulthood. So it is vital to have a support network of like-minded individuals.

Our weekly Bible Study is a time where we can come together to discuss life as a Christian today, looking at relevant topics that affect us in this time as Gods children. Topics range from What is this whole Christian life about, Love and Relationships to How to help build the kingdom of God in today’s day and age.

In this time we come together to share life experiences, deliberate topics on stories, characters and themes that apply to us in the Bible. A large number of sessions are discussion based, backed with scripture where people can provide different perspectives, ideas and views around the topics being discussed.

Men Of Honour

Men of Honour is the band of brothers of Living Word Ministries that go through this journey called life together. Our slogan is “we lead” which comes from the Biblical principles of Man being the head of the home – 1 Corinthians 11:3

‘‘But I want you to understand that the head of every man is Christ, the head of a wife is her husband, and the head of Christ is God.”

And also – 1 Timothy 3:4

“He must manage his own household well, with all dignity.” With the pressure of being the head comes great responsibility and as men it is our obligation to lead by example and to ensure Christ is the head of our lives; and we do this by centring our ministry on these three disciplines:

Prayer, Bible study and Brotherly fellowship.

We are inclusive and not exclusive, welcoming every man regardless of their spiritual level. As a family, we are all in this together and our focus is not to leave anyone behind.

We meet the last Sunday of every month to either fellowship through the bible discussions, pray as a family or have some bonding time grabbing a bite to eat or playing football in the park.

Women Of Faith

This is a fellowship set up for us women to have the opportunity to fellowship socially with one another, pray, encourage, support and empower one another, teach and learn from each other, all the while centring on our relationship with God.

We embrace being women and that God has fearfully and wonderfully made us unique from our male counterparts and each other. We divulge into the real issues of being Christian women and the expectations held of us as women, as well as being Christian women. But most importantly, we explore what God says about our roles as women and what He expects from us in our endeavour to be true Proverbs 31 women.

We host movie nights around specific topics of interest. We look to contribute to our local community through outreach projects. Our agenda also includes socials such as dinners, cinema trips and outing to empowering conferences.

We encourage all who can to join us in our fellowship for as the Word says, “ …How good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity” Psalm 133:1 (NIV)

Alive (Youth)

We are Alive in Christ because he rose and died for us!

The aim of the project is to get Young people off the streets and to inform them that there is no greater love than Christ Jesus! It is not just words but a fun and enjoyable lifestyle.

We have varies people from all walks of life to encourage, inspire and develop Young people and their families. We take pride knowing that there’s no greater love. Its time you get connected!!!

Alive simply offers an opportunity for the youth to discuss the word of God. It is great fun to be in a room full of 12-18 years discussing the bible. We encourage the youth to be leaders and to read the bible. We discuss situations that occur in everyday life and relate it to the word of God. They are just hungry to know the truth! We also offer mentoring support for both Girls and boys, provide support in college subjects and give Godly advice.

Living Word Kids

Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it. Proverbs 22:6 NIV

LWK have lots of fun, they perform at Easter, Christmas and minister new songs to the congregation, design presentations based on men and women in the bible. They are just a bundle of joy and love God with all their heart. We update the parents on their development and have regular trips to the park, with the consent of the parents. It’s just great!

This is an opportunity for your child to start hearing the word of God, even if it’s for 15 minutes every Sunday. We focus on characters of the bible, drawing, games, songs and lots more fun to engage young infants. We want infants to become familiar with the name Jesus…



Our mission is to raise up Men and Women that are grounded in the word of God, reaching and influencing the world for Jesus and empowering people to lead a Christ-Centred life.




Living Word Ministries